Fridays for Future – Youth is getting mobilised in Mali

More than 400 young Malians present at the meeting of Nyetaa Baro
Photo Credit: Mali Folkecenter Nyetaa

Like all over the world, the Malian youth is mobilised for the sake of Climate. However, it is not evident in all the countries to go to the streets. In order for the Malian youth to get their messages heard, Mali-Folkecenter Nyetaa, Malian NGO, pioneer in the climate and renewable energy in Mali, wanted to help the youth to make their messages heard.

Together with the environmental youth associations we organised an event on Friday 27 September, with over 400 participants, different medias, bloggers and slammers. In the end of the event full of interesting exchanges and discussions, the participants made a declaration to the attention of the decision makers.

The Full Declaration here.

“ We invite our authorities and their partners to create training, education and information frameworks that reflect the current reality;

We want every initiative of the country, every investment to contribute to the resilience of the Malians;

We want that Mali becomes self-sufficient in energy production using only renewable energy sources;

We ask that the current government consider it a priority because renewable energy also means more jobs for young people: through the production of energy and through the productive use of this clean and sustainable energy.”

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